Lãs do Uruguai, uma recente descoberta e uma nova aficcão! Lãs 100% merino, muito macias e com cores vibrantes.
Um orgulho sermos os representantes da 100% Pure Wool aqui em Portugal. Brevemente disponíveis para quem se quiser deliciar!
100% Pure Wool: "A lã virgem tingida à mão é muito mais nobre e belo do que o processado industrialmente. Nós só usamos produtos sujeitos a controle de qualidade. Usamos lã 100% pura e cores ácido-base aprovado pelo TEX OEKO. Nós não usamos fibras sintéticas ou tintas não autorizadas."
Wool from Uruguay, a recent discovery and a new aficcion! 100% merino wool, very soft and vibrant.
We are proud to represent the 100% Pure Wool here in Portugal. Soon available in shop for those who want to start to enjoy it!
100% Pure Wool: "The hand-dyed wool is much more noble and beautiful than the manufacturing process. We only use products subject to quality control. We use 100% pure wool colors and acid-base approved by Oeko TEX. We do not use synthetic paints or unauthorized. "
Wool from Uruguay, a recent discovery and a new aficcion! 100% merino wool, very soft and vibrant.
We are proud to represent the 100% Pure Wool here in Portugal. Soon available in shop for those who want to start to enjoy it!
100% Pure Wool: "The hand-dyed wool is much more noble and beautiful than the manufacturing process. We only use products subject to quality control. We use 100% pure wool colors and acid-base approved by Oeko TEX. We do not use synthetic paints or unauthorized. "
Por cá, cozinha-se a construcção de uma nova receita em lã e algodão nacional para vestir no Outono. Brevemente disponível o Knit It Kit #3!
Here, we´re cooking a new pattern with wool and Portuguese cotton, to wear in the autumn. Coming soon the Knit Kit It # 3!
Here, we´re cooking a new pattern with wool and Portuguese cotton, to wear in the autumn. Coming soon the Knit Kit It # 3!
Com os restinhos de lã comecem a vossa colecção de bolinhas feltradas.
With the scraps of wool to can start your collection of felted balls.
With the scraps of wool to can start your collection of felted balls.